​错误代码:111.30------175.07 | 利盟黑白激光机 | 利盟711打印机代码合集 故障代码 | 二〇二〇年四月一日


错误代码:111.30------175.07   |  利盟黑白激光机     |   利盟711打印机代码合集     故障代码 | 二〇二〇年四月一日

技术热线:  朱师傅
第一步:下载下面的手册到电脑    输入代码111.30  等
第二步:打开手册找到代码转到109页  等 例如
111.30 Printhead ID error See “Printhead ID service check” on page 109.
rinthead ID service check
Action Yes No
Step 1
Ensure the correct laser printhead is installed.
Is the proper laser printhead installed?
Go to step 2. Install the correct laser
Go to step 2.
Step 2
Ensure the cables for sockets “MIR MTR” and “VIDEO” on the controller
card are properly connected and not damaged.
Are the above cables properly connected and undamaged?
Go to step 3. Reseat the
Go to step 3.
Step 3
Reset the machine.
Does the error continue?
Replace the controller
board. See
board removal” on
page 372
Problem resolved.

1】  利盟711报错代码111.35
rinter hardware error messages(100199.99)
User attendance messages
代码Error code Description Action
111.30 Printhead ID error See “Printhead ID service check” on page 109.
111.31 Printhead no first HSYNC error See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.32 Printhead loss of HSYNC error See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.33 Printhead loss of HSYNC during servo See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.34 Printhead mirror motor loss of lock See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.35 Printhead mirror motor initial lock See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.36 Printhead mirror motor stabilization error See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.37 Page reached input sensor but the mirror
motor was not locked
See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.38 Page reached input sensor but the
printhead startup was not complete
See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
111.90 Printhead video cable not plugged in See “Printhead service check” on page 109.
120.10 Fuser drive Motor Halls detection error See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.20 Fuser drive Motor took too long to stop See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.30 Fuser drive Motor Unable To Lock (before
motor ID)
See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.40 Fuser drive motor overspeed error See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.60 Fuser drive motor unable to lock (after
motor ID)
See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.70 Fuser drive motor out of lock See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
120.80 Fuser drive motor excessive PWM / over
See “Fuser drive motor service check” on page 110.
121.07 Fuser has been on for more than allowed
after a gap blowout, and the temperature
is still too cold
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.08 Fuser was under temperature when page
was in fuser
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.20 Fuser undertemp during steady state
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.22 Fuser did not warm enough to start line
voltage detection
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.23 Fuser took too long to heat to line
detection temperature
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.24 Fuser never reached fuser detection
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
Diagnostic information
Error code Description Action
121.25 After line voltage detection, control did not
roll over to steady state control in time
If the problem remains, replace the controller board. See
“Controller board removal” on page 372.
121.26 Fuser failed to reach temperature during
warm up
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.28 Fuser failed to reach EP warm-up
temperature in time
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.29 Fuser failed to reach preheat temperature
for motor start during warm up
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.30 Fuser failed to reach printing temperature
by the time a page got to the fuser
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.31 Fuser has gotten too hot See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.35 Attempting to reset the printer after
receiving a 121.34
If the problem remains, replace the controller board. See
“Controller board removal” on page 372.
121.36 Fuser did not heat to allow compression
See “Fuser service check” on page 110.
121.32 Open fuser main thermistor If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
121.33 Open fuser edge thermistor If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
121.34 Open fuser backup roll thermistor If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
121.37 Fuser heated faster than allowed during
line voltage detection (115V fuser in 220V
If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
121.48 Fuser Hardware type does not match fuser
driver loaded (for example, lamp hardware
or belt firmware)
If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
121.49 Fuser backup roll too hot while printing
non-wide media
If the problem remains, replace the fuser. See “Fuser removal”
on page 340
126.01 Line Frequency outside operating range of
See “LVPS service check” on page 111.
126.02 No line frequency detected See “LVPS service check” on page 111.
130.01 Transfer servo error Reset the machine. If the error remains, replace the imaging
133.05 Toner Level Sensing reading above
maximum expected value
See “Toner level sensing service check” on page 111.
133.06 Toner Level Sensing reading below
minimum expected value
See “Toner level sensing service check” on page 111.
133.07 Toner failed to replenish into the Imaging
See “Toner level sensing service check” on page 111.
133.08 Excessive toner level sensing noise See “Toner level sensing service check” on page 111.
Diagnostic information
Error code Description Action
140.10 Main drive motor halls not detected See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.20 Main drive motor took too long to stop See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.30 Main drive motor unable To lock (before
motor ID)
See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.40 Main drive motor over speed detected See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.60 Main drive motor unable to lock (after
motor ID)
See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.70 Main drive motor out of lock Detected See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
140.80 Main drive motor excessive PWM /
See “Main drive motor service check” on page 112.
146.00 Media feeder encoder never detected in
tray 1
See “Media feeder service check” on page 112.
149.00 Redrive motor encoder never detected See “Redrive motor service check” on page 113.
150.00 Duplex motor encoder never detected See “Duplex motor service check” on page 113.
155.00 Toner add motor encoder never detected See “Toner add motor service check” on page 114.
171.03 Main cooling fan error; error took too long
to ramp up
See “Main cooling fan service check” on page 114
171.04 Main cooling fan error; error under speed
or stalled during speed adjustment state
See “Main cooling fan service check” on page 114
171.05 Main cooling fan error; error over speed
during speed adjustment state
See “Main cooling fan service check” on page 114
171.06 Main cooling fan error; error capture data
is invalid and speed control is at maximum
in fan control idle state
See “Main cooling fan service check” on page 114
171.07 Main cooling fan error; error capture data
is invalid and speed control is at maximum
in fan control adjustment state
See “Main cooling fan service check” on page 114
172.03 Cartridge cooling fan took too long to ramp
See “Cartridge cooling fan service check” on page 115.
172.04 Cartridge cooling fan under speed or
stalled during speed adjustment state
See “Cartridge cooling fan service check” on page 115.
172.05 Cartridge cooling fan over speed during
speed adjustment state
See “Cartridge cooling fan service check” on page 115.
172.06 Cartridge cooling fan capture data is invalid
and speed control is at maximum in fan
control idle state
See “Cartridge cooling fan service check” on page 115.
172.07 Cartridge cooling fan capture data is invalid
and speed control is at maximum in fan
control adjustment state
See “Cartridge cooling fan service check” on page 115.
173.03 LVPS cooling fan took too long to ramp up See “LVPS cooling fan service check” on page 115.
Diagnostic information
Error code Description Action
173.04 LVPS cooling fan under speed or stalled
during speed adjustment state
See “LVPS cooling fan service check” on page 115.
173.05 LVPS cooling fan over speed during speed
adjustment state
See “LVPS cooling fan service check” on page 115.
173.06 LVPS cooling fan capture data is invalid and
speed control is at maximum in fan control
idle state
See “LVPS cooling fan service check” on page 115.
173.07 LVPS cooling fan capture data is invalid and
speed control is at maximum in fan control
adjustment state
See “LVPS cooling fan service check” on page 115.
174.03 HVPS cooling fan took too long to ramp up See “HVPS cooling fan service check” on page 116.
174.04 HVPS cooling fan under speed or stalled
during speed adjustment state
See “HVPS cooling fan service check” on page 116.
174.05 HVPS cooling fan over speed during speed
adjustment state
See “HVPS cooling fan service check” on page 116.
174.06 HVPS cooling fan capture data is invalid
and speed control is at maximum in fan
control idle state
See “HVPS cooling fan service check” on page 116.
174.07 HVPS cooling fan capture data is invalid
and speed control is at maximum in fan
control adjustment state
See “HVPS cooling fan service check” on page 116.
175.03 Miscellaneous cooling fan took too long to
ramp up
See “Miscellaneous cooling fan service check” on page 116.
175.04 Miscellaneous cooling fan under speed or
stalled during speed adjustment state
See “Miscellaneous cooling fan service check” on page 116.
175.05 Miscellaneous cooling fan over speed
during speed adjustment state
See “Miscellaneous cooling fan service check” on page 116.
175.06 Miscellaneous cooling fan capture data is
invalid and speed control is at maximum in
fan control idle state
See “Miscellaneous cooling fan service check” on page 116.
175.07 Miscellaneous cooling fan capture data is
invalid and speed control is at maximum in
fan control adjustment state
See “Miscellaneous cooling fan service check” on page 116.
Diagnostic inf 

